Hello and welcome

I’ll start things off by letting you all know that I am a total newbie when it comes to blogging, so please bear with me as I find my groove! My aim for this blog is to create a social bridge between you, me, and our products. So, I guess we should start with a little about myself; and how Kelobee came to be.

I’ve been sewing since I was a child, having been taught the basics by my mum who was a seamstress herself, both professionally and privately.  Every Christmas and special occasion my two sisters, Teresa and I would have matching outfits, lovingly handmade by our mum in the wee hours.

Matchy matchy sisters - left to right: Teresa, me, Diane

Velvet Christmas - left to right: Me, Diane, Teresa

However, I dipped in and out of love with sewing over the years, mostly due to a lack of time and inspiration. Although recently there has been such an incredible growth in indie sewing patterns that my desire to create became far stronger than it ever was. The drive to finally create the wardrobe, home, and accessories that I envisioned became undeniable and is where my addiction for the craft truly set in.  Then came the big problem, the sewing pattern styles were there but I seriously struggled to find the fabric prints to go along with it!

The solution being to……create my own designs!  Luckily for me, my partner is a digital artist and has been willing to give me some pointers on art, colour theory and how to navigate the software and hardware needed to create my designs.  After many fallouts with my computer and even more fabric design swatches later, I made my first bag with my own fabric design! woohoo! 

Once I discovered the joy in creating my own fabric designs, I couldn’t help myself from continuing to explore and apply my newfound skills! I have since made countless clothes and various accessories for both myself and close family, routinely fulfilling the tradition my mum began when I was little through making pyjama sets for my son and partner each time Christmas rolls by😊

After a handful of years making designs and sewing them up for me and my family, I came to the conclusion that at some point in the future I was going to try and transform this into a business. All I needed was to find the time, opportunity, and courage I needed to get it done!

However over the past few years, I came across some health hurdles which resulted in me being unable to return to work. Being an independent person, this was a very scary prospect for me. In my mind, this had obviously put a hefty hitch in the plans I’d had to turn this love of crafting fabric designs into a business, in addition to drastically altering my everyday life! But, after sitting with this for a while, I came to terms with the situation and decided to see this as the opportunity I needed to make the leap and have a go at getting my fabrics out there, no matter how long it took me.

Kelobee has been a long time in the making and ironically, since making that decision to build a website and continue working on designs, I’ve been pretty short on time to dedicate to sewing ☹ Although the way I see it, now that the website has launched, sewing will need to be scheduled into my work week in order to create examples to show how my fabrics behave and look in real life. ‘look out wardrobe, you’re about to get a face lift’ 😊